General terms of use

Data for the owner of the e-shop coffeemarket.bg

Legal entity:
Delta Shipping Services EOOD
VIT: BG148046414
MALL: Delyan Kostadinov
Headquarters: Varna 9000, Bulgaria, T.Kableshkov Str 40A
Address of the physical store: Varna, Chaika quarter, bl.193


Visitor - a person who visited the e-shop;

Client - a person who visited the e-shop and made a purchase;

Merchant - the legal entity servicing the e-shop;

Product - a tangible product offered in the e-shop;

Courier - is the physical supplier of the goods.

Ordering goods

The ordering of goods is done through the e-shop, through the electronic purchase form.

Refusal of goods

Refusal of goods is free of charge if the refusal of the goods took place before the goods were sent by courier;

In case of refusal of goods after their sending by courier, the "Client" owes to the courier company the amount for delivery and return of the goods.

In case of unclaimed goods within 3 days, the "Client" owes the amount for delivery and return of the goods.

Each product is sent with the "review" option, if the product does not meet the description "Customer" has the right to refuse it, the cost of delivery and return are at the expense of "Customer".

Cookie Policy

The merchant does NOT store personal data! Any delivery information is provided by the "Customer" voluntarily and is used only for the delivery of his order. After the delivery, all customer data is automatically deleted.

More details in the section: Cookies policy

Information for regulatory authorities

Regulatory bodies: Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA)

Rules for identification and registration

To create an "order" the "customer" is required to fill in accurately, clearly with true and correct data fields to generate an order. If this condition is not met, the person who visited the site is not a "customer" but a "visitor" and the "merchant" has no obligations to the "visitor".

Terms of Delivery

Delivery takes place within 2 working days by licensed courier. Delivery is at the expense of the customer, unless another promotional option is mentioned.

The trader reserves the right to refuse orders in case of exhaustion of goods.

The trader reserves the right NOT to execute orders if the "order" is NOT correctly filled in the system.

The Merchant reserves the right NOT to execute orders in the absence of a possible initiation of a telephone call to the Merchant to the customer for voice confirmation of the order by telephone.